40 Questions To Solve Your Identity Crisis


At almost every stage in our lives we encounter a time when we have an identity crisis, and why not?  it’s a part of growth and change.

As pre teens ,as young adults and numerous times during our adult lives we are forced to figure out a different version of ourselves. We feel lost, confused, uncertain, left out .
Most of the confusion can be  avoided if we simply step away from the hustle for a while. It is often in silence that we are able to recoup, times without distraction that allow the answers to come to us.

The ” who am I” question pops up frequently in our lives when we are breaking our barriers, when others are challenging our boundaries or when we have encountered any significant changes that require us to make decisions that directly impact us. Unfortunately there is no one capable of giving us the answers we seek except ourselves.

As babies we see ourselves as an extention of our parents
And unfortunately many of us remained so, we never really got the chance to be who we are because we are constantly told what to do, how to behave ,what to like and why we should like it.

The advantages of figuring ourselves out.

  • It allows us to make decisions that truly benefit us.
  • It helps  us to figure out our boundaries,  as in where we end  and others begin. Read more about Boundaries here
  • It makes us more aware of our strengths and our weakness
  • It helps us heal and love ourselves better

Approaching the who am I question with as little force and as much calm as  possible can provide many answers.
As we ask and recieve answers it is important to accept these answers and not  try to change them . Accepting is just as important as Realising who we are so give yourself a fair chance, without judgement and lots of love.

It is completely normal to be out of touch with yourself every once in a while. To be fair most of us play so  many different roles that it might be better if we just wore a Cape. But it is especially for this reason that we must know who we truly are. This means figuring out our likes, our values, what we enjoy and what simply will not do.

Great questions to ask yourself

1. What do I like to do.
2. What do I think is  fun.
3. What makes  me satisfied or what does satisfaction mean to me
4. What do I like to eat.
5. Who do I like to be around.
6. Do I like myself ?
7. What do I like about myself
8. If today was my last day what would I be doing?
9. If I had all the money in the world what would I be doing.
10. If I could get a second chance what would I do differently
11. Do I find my job or career fulfilling?
12. What event in my life did I find compelling?
13. What did this event teach me
14. Did I enjoy my childhood?
15. What do I think about my parents?
16. Do I always see the positive or negative side of things.
17. What would my friends say about me if someone asked them ?
18. What do I think is my biggest flaw
19. What makes me feel secure
20. What makes me feel loved?
21. What does my ideal life partner look and feel like.
22. What am I ashamed of
23. Why am I so ashamed of this?
24. What can’t I live without.
25. Do I prefer things or people
26. Who or what is my biggest fear
27. What was or would be the best day of my life.
28. Do I enjoy being around people or do I prefer being alone most of the time?
29. If I were an animal which one would I be
30. Do I always lead or follow
31. Who is my greatest inspiration
32. Who would I trust with my life
33. Who do I consider to be my friends 
34. What situation am I dreading right now

35 . What makes me feel limited? 36. Do I like being a mom, teacher, dad, ( insert whatever title there) 37. What am I great at? 38. What am I not great at? 39 What do I really think is the most important thing in my life? 40. Who do I consider to be the most important people in my life?

Spoiler alert ⚠️ You already know who you are, so” figuring out” is simply truly hearing the answers that come.

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