Create your life intentionally.

“The affirmations we repeat to ourselves on a daily basis are the programs we live by and they can either aid us or inhibit us from creating,  growing and experiencing new things in our lives ” – Dr  Joe Dispenza

By now most people know how affirmations work and what they are. But I have been living for a moment to write about One of my favorite topics !
An Affirmation is any statement that is declared to be true. Whatever you affirm over your life is certain.   These statements whether positive or negative when repeated consistently over time causes a change in our mindset and beliefs subconsciously and inevitably our actions . 

From the moment we could form conscious thought we have been affirming thoughts , thoughts that we think repeatedly which lead to beliefs which influence the actions we decide to take.
If we can think a new thought then we can change our outcomes, if we can feel differently then we can attract new experiences.
I can attest to the power of focused repetition of  affirmations and visualisation. Words that helped me heal my life and create a beautiful life for myself. I first began to test the theory of affirming what I wanted over my life when I got my first sales job and sucked at it big time. I had a quota to reach but my fear of hard core sales always prevented me from making much money, to say the least I was on my way out of the door. I got so depressed that I started to take walks along the beach , I lived along the coast at the time. I started listening to a guided meditation that I found on youtube . It encouraged visualisation while doing the affirmations. It helped me feel so much better and helped me to remain positive and expectant of good things.

After about three weeks of constantly using those affirmations my confidence increased and my worry subsided I started to get referrals from clients , some of whom were not mine but were simply people who had met and liked me. My sales volume increased even when I wasn’t trying. Call it belief or coincidence , But I felf peaceful and hopeful and confident while doing a job I hated. Of course I left it, but I never left broke .

We have been affirming since we could process our own thoughts. And we will continue to do so whether we know or not. All the beliefs that we hold are thoughts that we continually think thus we keep affirming them. Words coupled with emotion is a powerful tool. Therefore choosing the right words allows us to create with Intent . The right words produce the right emotions which will increase focus in the direction of those emotions and cause us to act in ways that align with and allow what we focus on.

Different affirmations resonate with diffent people so when creating or choosing your phrases here are a few things I noticed .

Affirmations work best when they
A.  Resonate with me .
B.  Are easy enough  to repeat
C.  Are able to create a vivid picture in my mind of what I want to  achieve.    
D. Are formulated in the present to suggest these things are happening now.
E .  Are repeated with emotion and belief.  

The twelve affirmations below will change your belief about wealth and help you attract more prosperity into your life.

1. I am aligned with the prosperity of the universe, my abundance flows to me now.

2 .Every day in everyway  I am becoming more and more prosperous.

3. My bank account is growing exponentially each day. 

4 I give thanks for my wealth and Increasing financial abundance .

5. Money flows to me from all angles I am filled with joy and gratitude .

6. I deserve to be prosperous and abundant , I am prosperous and abundant.

7. I now accept my devine blessing and abundance,  money flows to me effortlessly.

8. My door of wealth and abundance is open and a flood of opportunities pour forth upon my path.

9. Money and prosperty surround me I am swimming in a sea of wealth

10. I am a magnet for wealth and prosperity all my rich desires are being fulfilled .

11. I am the wealthy child of a wealthy  king my wealth is eternal and boundless.

12. I am vibrating to the frequency of wealth and abundance. 

Total Healing also involves the mindset we choose and the thoughts we have about every aspect of our existence. It involves empowering yourself to believe that you can also create your own prosperity .
Affirmations are not only to be merely repeated they are to said with  focus to ensure that while you repeat them you can imagine the wealth flowing to you . The feeling of gratitude the feeling of freedom the feeling of having so much that you are just bubbling over with plenty. The feeling that you already have all you could ever want ,and it flows to you consistently in ever increasing streams .

If you seek an increase in your finances then feelings of lack in any area will prevent you from creating more . It is important to be grateful for all aspects of life and release the feelings of not having enough. Shifting the focus from yourself can help a whole deal. Choose things that are generally abundant. As often as you can remove focus from the feelings of lack ,do it.
Nature always is ideal for focusing ,the forests with its countless trees, a river with a never ending flow ,the sea with its countless waves flooding the shore, the soil that is ever fruitful and gives life to us all. The sky with numberless stars. Encourage feeling of gratitude in your daily routine. Find something to give thanks for and appreaciate.

                Perfect times to repeat your affirmations.

Repeat your affirmations all throughout the day.

I.   While using the  toilet. We often sit on the loo and think about our problems or use the phone or look into a useless magazine. Instead use it as time to create your life. Say your affirmations until you’re done.

2. In the shower or bath. There is no better time to repeat those magic words. Make it fun and sing them to your favorite tune.

3. While you exercise. Working out is one such time when our vibration is at its highest.  There is no better time to say your affirmations .

4. While you tidy up your space in the mornings

5 Just as you are about to sleep try to let them be the last thing on your mind .

Happy manifesting!

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